dr. Pintér Attila Law Firm operates in the legal form of a lawyers' association (“ügyvédi társulás”) as regulated by Hungarian Bar Rule No. 8/2017 (XI.20.) (“Bar Rule”). Members of the lawyers' association are:
Az ügyvédi társulás tagjai:
- dr. Pintér Attila Law Firm as leading firm;
- Vámosi Róbert Law Office as member firm;
In respect of the rights, obligations and liability of the members of the lawyers' association the provisions of Act No. 78 of 2017 on legal profession and the provisions of the Bar Rule are applicable.
Az ügyvédi társulás tagjai:
- dr. Pintér Attila Law Firm as leading firm;
- Vámosi Róbert Law Office as member firm;
In respect of the rights, obligations and liability of the members of the lawyers' association the provisions of Act No. 78 of 2017 on legal profession and the provisions of the Bar Rule are applicable.